For restaurant firewood pricing please call 1-847-800-1502

Bob Evans Firewood Pre-Order Form

Submit a firewood delivery request. We will contact you to confirm your request, delivery day, and time.

"*" indicates required fields


*Payment is required upon delivery (Cash or good check). Prices are subject to change without notice.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

How Much Wood Do I Get?

Bob Evans sells firewood by the face cord (f/c), not by number of pieces. A true Face Cord of firewood = 4ft high by 8ft long. We stack our cords tight, in a straight stack. Others cross stack their pieces creating gaps of air.

I placed my order, now what?

When we receive your order submission, we will call you to confirm your order and set a delivery date. We will also ask you where you would like the firewood placed.

When Do I Pay?

*Payment is required upon delivery, cash or good check. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Certified by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Agriculture Resource Management Division, Plant Industry Bureau